Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recent Weddings Progress Update

Two of the weddings I did last month have just had their proof books put on order last night. The proof book contains 504 photos and covers the Engagement Shoot and the Wedding Day and is theirs to keep. Each of my clients proof book has a front cover designed by me.

Donna and Gary's proof book has a cool fashion look that I just love.
A blog entry to Donna and Gary's Wedding Day is here:

Joanne and Stephen's cover is done is a much more traditional wedding style and really captures a moment between the happy couple.
A blog entry to Joanne and Stephens engagement shoot is found here and here.

Article including images copyright of Gerard Foy Photography.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Shoot, 3 Months

Well I have been a little busy since my last post hence the lack of posts. Just a quick one here with two shots of little 3 month baby Emily.
They are a perfect example of how fast things change on a shoot with a young baby going from wide awake to fast asleep very quickly.
I kept the shoot really simple, using two strobes bounced off far walls and the ceiling with the white bed cover providing a nice bit of fill.

Article including images copyright of Gerard Foy Photography.