As I mentioned in the previous post, Joanne and Steve are getting married in Trim, Co. Meath. Trim castle is located just across the road from the hotel where the reception is. Now it really is an amazing location and I really wanted to use it as the setting for the Engagement Shoot.
For these first two images the sun was really beating down (for once this Summer). Maybe not seeing the sun for several months was the motivation for these two images.
I explained to Joanne and Steve the type of image I was after I asked them to hold a pose as if they were in the moment about to kiss. I described it as a burst of light and very fashion orientated. I positioned myself until I got the sun between their lips and filled with flash positioned behind me to get some detail on my side. I knew the sun would not be over-powered that was impossible, all I was doing was stopping a half-silhouette. I know this look and the following one with natural light are not for everyone and its certainly not a traditional wedding/engagement image. Which is fine, I don't consider myself a traditionalist and would make a point of actually distancing myself from that genre of photography. Not there is anything wrong with it, it just does not motivate me artistically.

Article including images copyright of Gerard Foy Photography.
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